BBK Düsseldorf – Verbandswebsite

What is special about it

As a professional association, the BBK Düsseldorf has represented visual artists from Düsseldorf for more than 50 years. With the relaunch of their website, we have given the association a modern appearance. Discreet typography and clear lines create the right environment in which the works of the artists can shine.

Currently, the association has over 200 members, who are represented on the site with their artist profiles. The numerous exhibitions find their place in the art calendar – both as announcements and as an archive of past events.

Whenever helpful for the editors, content is maintained centrally: The profiles of the artists, the events and the media library have their own respective backend modules and are output via self-developed modules and content elements. This makes it particularly easy for different backend users to maintain the diverse content.

Extensions used

Ajax Forms
Rock Solid Custom Elements


Present Progressive
Brunnenstr. 12
40223 Düsseldorf
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