9 Jahre Contao

Proven. Since 2006.

Con­tin­u­ous and pre­dictable de­vel­op­ment. In­ter­na­tion­al agen­cies and com­pa­nies are suc­cess­ful­ly us­ing Con­tao.

Contao ist sicher

Steadfast. Current.

High de­vel­op­ment stan­dards, reg­u­lar up­dates, fast and re­li­able fix­es, and 4 years of sup­port for LTS ver­sions.

Contao ist barrierefrei

Easy. Intuitive.

Thanks to the con­sis­tent op­er­at­ing con­cept, ed­i­tors quick­ly find their way around Con­tao.

Contao ist mobilfähig

Versatile. Mobile.

In­di­vid­u­al, search en­gine-friend­ly and bar­ri­er-free de­sign im­ple­men­ta­tion for desk­top, tablet, and smart­phone.

Contao ist wandelbar

Solid. Changeable.

As an open source CMS, Con­tao is based on open web stan­dards and is eas­i­ly adapt­able to your needs.

Die Contao Community hilft

Support? Ask!

Com­pe­tent part­ners and a strong com­mu­ni­ty re­spond in the fo­rum or in pro­fes­sion­al train­ings.

Why Contao?


Re­gard­less of whether you want to run mul­ti­ple web­sites in one Con­tao in­stal­la­tion, main­tain a web­site in mul­ti­ple lan­guages or need de­tailed us­er per­mis­sions to work on a web­site col­lab­o­ra­tive­ly – Con­tao has ev­ery­thing on board by de­fault. Fur­ther­more, you can en­hance its func­tion­al­i­ty with ex­ten­sions to fit your needs.

GDPR compliant

Con­tao is com­pat­i­ble with cur­rent laws and es­pe­cial­ly the GDPR. All da­ta pro­tec­tion mea­sures are im­ple­ment­ed by de­fault, for in­stance, Con­tao us­es the dou­ble opt-in method for all sub­scrip­tions and reg­is­tra­tions and it keeps a log for the legal­ly re­quired stor­age pe­ri­od.

SEO ready

You can ad­just the ti­tle, the de­scrip­tion and the ro­bots me­ta tag of each page. Redi­rects and er­ror pa­ges al­ways send the cor­rect HTTP sta­tus code. In ad­di­tion, Con­tao us­es schema.org to tag con­tent for search en­gines and it au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly ge­ne­rates an XML site­map that can be sub­mit­ted to Google, Bing and other search en­gines.


In Con­tao, you can sort el­e­ments via drag and drop, copy and paste them via clip­board and even ed­it mul­ti­ple records at once. Ev­ery change is au­to­mat­i­cal­ly stored as a new ver­sion, so you can go back in his­to­ry at any time.


Con­tao is com­pat­i­ble with Var­nish and oth­er HTTP caches and it sup­ports mod­ern tech­nolo­gies such as HTTP2, de­ferred im­age re­siz­ing and ESI. Even with big in­stal­la­tions with hun­dreds of thou­sands of pages, Con­tao re­main per­for­mant and de­liv­ers your web­site in a flash.


Con­tao us­es mod­ern pass­word hash­ing al­go­rithms and sup­ports se­cur­ing us­er ac­counts with 2-fac­tor au­then­ti­ca­tion. More­over, us­er ac­counts are locked au­to­mat­i­cal­ly if there are too many failed lo­gin at­tempts.

Satisfied users

Over 175,000 web­sites have al­ready been built with Con­tao, from land­ing pages to por­tals to e-com­merce and en­ter­prise sites. Users es­pe­cial­ly ap­pre­ci­ate that de­spite of its many pos­si­bil­i­ties, Con­tao is still easy to learn and in­tu­itive to use for ed­i­tors.

Case studies

Take a look at which pro­jects the Con­tao part­ners have al­ready cre­at­ed with Con­tao and which com­po­nents they have used.

View case studies

Contao Manager

The Con­tao Man­ag­er, a graph­i­cal in­ter­face for Com­pos­er, al­lows you to in­stall and man­age Con­tao as well as ad­di­tion­al ex­ten­sions di­rect­ly in your brows­er. Even if your in­stal­la­tion should be­come un­avail­able, you can re­cov­er it with the Con­tao Man­ag­er.

The right choice for your project

Long term support

Con­tao has a re­li­able and pre­dictable de­vel­op­ment cy­cle, which pro­vides reg­u­lar ver­sions as well as LTS ver­sions with a long term sup­port of 4 years.


Con­tao is a Ger­man-speak­ing pro­ject with a big com­mu­ni­ty and reg­u­lar events in the DACH coun­tries. You will there­fore find many re­sources in Ger­man such as pre­sen­ta­tions, videos and ex­ten­sions.

Highly customizable

Thanks to hooks and events, you can ma­nip­u­late the pro­gram flow in var­i­ous places. In­sert tags al­low you to em­bed dy­nam­ic con­tent any­where. And even if you up­date Con­tao, your cus­tomized tem­plates will be pre­served.

Powered by Symfony

Con­tao is based on the Sym­fony Full Stack Frame­work. You will find your way around quick­ly if you have worked with Sym­fony be­fore and you can use the over 11,000 avail­able Sym­fony bun­dles to cus­tomize Con­tao.


Con­tao is com­pa­tible with many web ser­vi­ces and plat­forms, in­clu­ding the fol­lo­wing:

Open Source CMS

Con­tao is open source soft­ware li­censed un­der the LGPL-3.0. The li­cense per­mits the free use of the soft­ware ­ even for com­mer­cial pro­jects.

You can track the de­vel­op­ment of Con­tao on GitHub and you are wel­come to join in if you want. If you think you have found a se­cu­ri­ty prob­lem in Con­tao, please re­port it re­spon­si­bly ac­cord­ing to our se­cu­ri­ty pol­i­cy.

Upcoming events

Contao Austria Stammtisch
Contao-Stammtisch Berlin