Ehrenamtsagentur Sachsen
What is special about it
The Ehrenamtsagentur Sachen EAA (Volenteer Agency) was established in March 2021 as a specialist and networking agency for actors of civic engagement based in the state capital Dresden. The guiding objective is to strengthen social cohesion and promote voluntary activities in all regions of the Free State of Saxony.
On the one hand, their tasks include counselling and referral to experts in the field as well as networking between the actors of voluntary engagement. On the other hand, they work to strengthen Saxony's culture of recognition for volunteering and organise workshops and specialist events. Furthermore, they represent Saxon interests in state and national committees. In doing so, the EAA acts in a citizen-oriented manner.
Kreativ&Söhne developed the new website of the Volunteer Agency Saxony on the basis of Contao.
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