Contao news

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Contao 3.2.RC1 is available

by Leo Feyer – Announcements

Contao version 3.2.beta2 is available. Please do not use beta versions for productional websites! Download the release to check whether your website or custom extension needs adaptation.

Please also read the version 3.2.beta1 announcement and the version 3.2.beta2 announcement to learn more about the new features.

New form field attributes

Widgets now support the autocomplete, autocorrect, autocapitalize and spellcheck attributes, which can be set in the DCA or directly in the Widget object.

Simplified "iflng" insert tag

The syntax of the "iflng" and "ifnlng" insert tags has been simplified as follows:

<!-- old -->
{{iflng::de}}Hallo Welt{{iflng}}{{iflng::en}}Hello world{{iflng}}

<!-- new: only one closing {{iflng}} tag -->
{{iflng::de}}Hallo Welt{{iflng::en}}Hello world{{iflng}}

Magic method "Model::countBy*()"

In addition to the methods "findBy()" and "findOneBy()", which can be called through "Model::__callStatic()" since Contao 3.0, the method "countBy()" is now supported as well.

// Available from version 3.0
$count = PageModel::countBy('pid', 3);

// New in version 3.2
$count = PageModel::countByPid(3);

New hooks

The "isVisibleElement" hook is triggered when an element (article, content element or module) is rendered in the front end. It decides whether the element is displayed or not based on the "protected" or "guests only" settings.

The "getAttributesFromDca" hook is triggered when the attributes of a Widget object are compiled from the DCA information. It allows you to dynamically adjust the attributes.

Maintenance mode

In the new maintenance mode, the front end sends a 503 header and shows a neutral maintenance page instead of the website. The maintenance mode is enabled automatically if you install, update or remove extensions in the Extension Repository.

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