Contao news

Read the official Contao announcements.

Contao 3.5.5 is available

by Leo Feyer – Announcements

Contao version 3.5.5 is available. The bugfix release fixes several issues, including the wrong <time> tag rendering and the synchronization of the file system when moving or copying files with the source or target folder being excluded from synchronization.

Event template changes

When fixing the <time> tag problem, it was inevitable to adjust the event templates. Therefore, please note the following if you are using custom event templates:

1. The variable $this->date in the event_full.html5 template only contains the date instead of a formatted string with <time> tag after the update.

<!-- BEFORE -->
<p class="info"><?= $this->date ?></p>

<!-- NOW -->
<p class="info"><time datetime="<?= $this->datetime ?>"><?= $this->date ?><?php if ($this->time): ?>, <?= $this->time ?><?php endif; ?></time></p>

2. The separate SPAN tag, which output the time in the event_upcoming.html5 template, has been removed.


As of version 3.5.5, Contao is fully compatibly with PHP 7.

Also see: GitHub tickets | GitHub compare view | Contao changelog | Release overview

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