Contao news

Read the official Contao announcements.

Contao 4.1.0 is available

by Leo Feyer – Announcements

Contao version 4.1.0 is available. 85 tickets and pull requests have been completed during the 6 months of development and testing period.

Overview of the changes

The new features in Contao 4.1 have been described in the previous announcements of the beta and RC versions. If you have not followed the development process, it is recommended that you read them.

Newsletter sender

When setting up a newsletter channel, you are now required to enter the sender's address. This shall prevent newsletters from being sent from the system administrator's address.

Newsletter unsubscriptions

If an e-mail address is unsubscribed from a newsletter, it is now blacklisted so it cannot be re-added manually or through an CSV import.

E-mail log

Contao 4.1 will log e-mails in the system log in the "EMAIL" category instead of in a log file. Newsletter mailings get a separate category, which contains of the "NEWSLETTER_" prefix followed by the ID of the newsletter (e.g. "NEWSLETTER_8").

Version constraint adjustments

The version constraints of the Composer packages used for Contao have been adjusted so that no versions with known security vulnerabilities are installed – not even when using the --prefer-lowes flag.

Also see: GitHub tickets | GitHub compare view | Contao changelog | Release overview

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