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TYPOlight 2.6beta2 is available

by Leo Feyer – Announcements

TYPOlight version 2.6beta2 is available. The second beta version includes start and stop dates for news items and events as well as an extended front end preview that allows you to simulate user sessions. In addition, all bugs from the first beta version have been fixed.

How to enable search indexing on protected pages

Make sure that you have configured your pages correctly before you enable search indexing on protected pages in the back end settings.

Enable search indexing on protected pages

Automatically log in a front end user

Next, create a front end user who is allowed to access the protected pages you want to add to the search results. Select this user when you are rebuilding the search index.

Automatically log in a front end user

Wait for the page to load completely

It is important to wait for the page to load completely before you continue.

Wait for the page to load completely

Extended front end preview

Now go to the front end preview and navigate to the search page. Make sure that no front end user is logged in and that unpublished elements are hidden and try to find the protected pages (search for "piano" and "violin"). The two protected pages will not show up in the search results.

Extended front end preview

Log in Donna Evans

Use the new preview bar to log in Donna Evans. She is a Violin student and therefore allowed to see the "Violin Master Class" page which should now appear in the search results.

Log in d.evans

Show unpublished elements

You do not need to log in a front end user to see protected search results. If you choose to show unpublished elements, you can access all protected and unpublished ressources as in the previous preview.

Show unpublished elements

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