Contao partners
Below you will find a list of Contao partners, who can assist you in installing and using Contao.

promedia designbüro
With passion for internet solutions
Conveying messages, structuring contents, arousing curiousity ... on these premises the promedia design bureau works since 1993 on individual solutions for customers from the fields of industry, medicine, culture and tourism. In the tense atmosphere of modern media of communication we create advertising strategies and design concepts. The projects are in every aspect overseen by a single source and also their technical realization is implemented by promedia.
Our team develops webpages with an intelligible structure and timeless aesthetics. In doing so, entertaining information and appealing communication are always to the fore. The realization is carried out with state-of-the-art technology – with Contao CMS.
promedia designbüro
Gerberei 19
91054 Erlangen
Web design
Karl Serwotka
T: +49 9131 208419