Pro-Tip: The menu can also be openend and closed with the m key.
Read the official Contao announcements.
2009-12-23 15:56 by Leo Feyer
TYPOlight version 2.8.RC2 is available. Please do not use beta versions for productional websites! Download the release candidate to check whether your website or custom extension needs adaptation.
2009-12-19 11:08 by Leo Feyer
A major security hole in the TYPOlight install tool has been detected which allows anyone to bypass the password authentication and read the database login credentials and - if the Safe Mode Hack is used - the FTP login credentials. To fix the issue, upgrade to the latest version (2.7.6) or apply one of the patches below!
2009-12-01 17:31 by Leo Feyer
Access to the active record in the DCA is another powerful development feature in TYPOlight 2.8. So far, the Data Container Object provides only the ID of the active record, which often required additional database queries when using callback functions.
From practice
2009-11-21 13:27 by Leo Feyer
TYPOlight version 2.8.RC1 is available. Please do not use beta versions for productional websites! Download the release candidate to check whether your website or custom extension needs adaptation.
2009-11-13 11:20 by Leo Feyer
This article describes the changes and improvements of the upcoming TYPOlight version 2.8. It is meant as an information for administrators and developers and not as an introduction of the new version. A news article and a video introducing the new features will be published together with the first release candidate.
Current issues
2009-10-26 18:00
TYPOlight's Edit Multiple feature is easy to overlook, but it can make tedious changes to multiple entries very easy. Essentially, website managers have the ability to select a set of records, choose which fields to manage, and edit the resulting data set on a single page.
2009-10-04 11:21 by Leo Feyer
TYPOlight version 2.7.5 is available. The maintenance release fixes the issues with newsletter subscriptions not being activated upon member registration and events spanning multiple months not displaying correctly. If you are using the newsletter or calendar module, it is recommended to update.
2009-09-30 14:24 by Leo Feyer
TYPOlight version 2.7.4 is available. The maintenance release fixes a few issues with the calendar extension, undoes the change to the breadcrumb menu and adds a safer and more reliable way to determine the HTTP host. Upgrade recommended.
2009-09-23 12:46 by Leo Feyer
The TYPOlight project website has been completely reworked. Besides the new Web 2.0 look, there have also been a lot of changes to content, e.g. the user's and developer's guide have been updated and are now integrated into the main website.
2009-09-21 19:30 by Leo Feyer
Packt Publishing is a publisher of focused books on specific technologies and solutions. Each year they give awards to some of the best open source content management systems on the market. The participants are nominated by the public, which took place between August 3 and September 11 of this year. Today, TYPOlight was announced as one of the finalists for the category of "Best Open Source CMS."
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