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Contao Two Month Review May and June 2021

by Blair Winans – Community

All we did was hack away at the keyboard, but we had the stamina to run two marathons.

The hackathon--known from software and hardware development--was applied to writing documentation for Contao in June.

Yanick had written about the documentation status quo in August 2020. In that post, he had also reported that the user documentation had been machine translated into English. So the user documentation is available in German and English. You can find the developer documentation in English here.

In April, Yanick invited English-speaking users to a hackathon via the blog post to rid the English user documentation of the last machine-translated posts.

On Thursday, June 3, starting at 2:00pm, a pleasingly large number of participants showed up and we exchanged ideas in the Slack channel while various pull requests were created, reviewed and published. Shortly after 7:00pm, we ceased preliminary operations and the lights were extinguished in the repository.

We would like to extend our sincere thanks to Benedict, Daniel, Yanick, Moritz, Andreas, Blair, Stefan, Mathias, Bob, Mark, and Andrew.

There are still some tasks waiting to be corrected by you. Please help us close this ticket and leave a comment if you would like to take on a task or two.

Following the annual Contao Association General Assembly, members were given the opportunity to elect a new president. A huge and heartfelt thank you to outgoing president Nicky Hoff. A warm and heartfelt welcome to our new president Joachim Nickel.

There were also some film reels filled with new shows again. We learned interesting things about Christian Feneberg and Leo Feyer in Meet the Community and took a look behind the scenes at the Contao Show.

To note: In August 2021, the new Contao version 4.12 will be released, replacing 4.11

Past community events, Mumble calls and Contao TV

At the following community events and Mumble calls, we have discussed and exchanged experiences about Contao. Have a look, there is always something to discover and learn!

Upcoming Community Events, Mumble Calls and Contao TV

A list of future events can be found on the project website.

Is your event missing on this list? We will gladly mention your date in the next review.

Blog posts, YouTube channels and miscellaneous

  • RespImageLint is a bookmarklet from Martin that checks a web page's images for a list of common errors and best practices. Just run the bookmarklet and see if it detects any problems with your images. For more information, check out the project page on GitHub.

Have you written about Contao and want to share this page with us? Then send it over to me.

Contao news


  • Isotope eCommerce, the free store solution for Contao, is available in version 2.7.2.
  • Blair has made some fixes to the Isotope Feeds extension, making it compatible for Contao 4.9+ and Isotope eCommerce 2.7+.
  • Martin has released a new version of the popular RockSolid Slider. New in the Pro version sliders can be output per user group.
  • The work on MM is going on and in the last two months bugs have been fixed again and new features have been added, like checkbox to hide the label on the FE filter widget. For the FE filter widgets, a CSS ID and CSS class can be specified in the BE.For the filter rules Simple Query, Single Selection and Multiple Selection, a natural sorting (up/down) of the filter items can optionally be set.For the filter rule "Range", there are now five different variants of how the filter should react when comparing existing values in the DB and the filter values entered... and besides that, there are other innovations to discover. All changes can be found on the overview page of MM 2.2.

Contao documentation

If you are still missing something, we would be happy about your contribution to the documentation - of course we would also appreciate minor spelling corrections and rewording.

Paid extensions or products

Have you written a paid extension for Contao or a product that is related to Contao and want to include it here? Your contribution is welcome if you meet the following requirements:

Security advisories

Newly released Contao versions

Editorial deadline for the next review is August 27, 2021.

So look forward to the new Contao version, and hopefully you won't run out of patience while waiting.

Best regards


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