Contao news

Read the official Contao announcements.

Contao 4.0.0-RC1 is available

by Leo Feyer – Announcements

Contao version 4.0.0-RC1 is available. Please do not use beta versions for productional websites! Download the release to check whether your website or custom extension needs adaptation.

Please also read the version 4.0.0-beta1 announcement to learn more about the new features.


At the moment, you can only install Contao 4 via Composer on the command line:

php composer.phar create-project contao/standard-edition <target> 4.0.0-RC1

Once the Composer installation has been completed, you have to open the Contao install tool, which is now under /app.php/contao/install (formerly /contao/install.php).

In the future, it will also be possible to install Contao in the browser using the Composer package manager or a separate install tool. If you want to add Contao to an existing Symfony application, check out the installation instructions of the core bundle. markup

All templates have been supplemented with attributes where applicable.

Template names

The templates have been renamed so their names match the keys of the content elements and modules. This allowed for adjusting the "individual template" drop-down menu to e.g. only show the ce_text_* templates in a text element instead of all ce_* templates.

  • ce_accordionce_accordionSingle
  • ce_accordion_startce_accordionStart
  • ce_accordion_stopce_accordionStop
  • ce_slider_startce_sliderStart
  • ce_slider_stopce_sliderStop
  • mod_article_listmod_articlelist
  • mod_article_navmod_articlenav
  • mod_random_imagemod_randomImage
  • mod_eventmod_eventreader
  • mod_newsletter_listmod_newsletterlist
  • mod_newsletter_readermod_newsletterreader

Template consolidation

The following templates have been consolidated:

  • ce_hyperlink_imagece_hyperlink
  • mod_article_plainmod_article
  • mod_article_teasermod_article
  • mod_login_1clmod_login
  • mod_login_2clmod_login
  • mod_logout_1clmod_login
  • mod_logout_2clmod_login
  • mod_search_advancedmod_search
  • mod_search_simplemod_search
  • mod_eventmenu_yearmod_eventmenu
  • mod_newsmenu_daymod_newsmenu
  • mod_newsmenu_yearmod_newsmenu
  • nl_listmod_newsletterlist
  • nl_readermod_newsletterreader

Module keys

The following module keys have been changed:

  • articleListarticlelist
  • rss_readerrssReader
  • nl_listnewsletterlist
  • nl_readernewsletterreader

Space before/after

The "space before/after" setting has been removed. Assign a CSS class instead and define the spacing in a style sheet.

Form IDs

All forms now append their numeric ID to the form ID, so the value of the FORM_SUBMIT variable is e.g. no longer tl_login but tl_login_24.


The method $this->hasAuthenticatedBackendUser() is now available in all templates to check whether there is an authenticated back end user.

Saving form data

When saving form data in the form generator, date fields are now automatically converted to Unix timestamps.

Hook "getArticles"

The "getArticles" hook has been added instead of the ArticleRasterDesigner hook.

Windows compatibility

The symlinks are now created as absolute links on Windows systems.

Also see: GitHub tickets | GitHub compare view | Contao changelog | Release overview

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