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Safe Mode Hack

by Leo Feyer – Announcements

Finally, I have found a good workaround for the often discussed issue with safe_mode restrictions and file permissions when running PHP5 as module. Instead of setting chmod values to 777 you can now enter your FTP server login details and make TYPOlight use FTP to modify files.

If you are installing TYPOlight on a mod_php server, you can either change the local configuration file to chmod 666 in order to finish the installation procedure and proceed to the settings menu where you can enter the FTP login details. Or you can enter the FTP login details manually (system/config/localconfig.php):

$GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['useFTP'] = true;
$GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['ftpHost'] = ''; // FTP host
$GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['ftpPath'] = ''; // FTP path (e.g. html/)
$GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['ftpUser'] = ''; // FTP username
$GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['ftpPass'] = ''; // FTP password

I have tested it on two different servers and it seems to work.

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