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TYPOlight 2.5.6 is available
by Leo Feyer – Announcements
TYPOlight version 2.5.6 is available. The maintenance release includes some important search engine improvements and a couple of new core extension features.
Search engine improvements
I have finally found a search engine friendly solution for the "invalid download token" issue (Google was not able to index files from the download(s) element). The new release works without tokens, so if Google is able to access your page, it should be able to grab the documents on it. TYPOlight will send an 404 "not found" header if an image or document cannot be read.
In addition, TYPOlight now supports the new Google Analytics script "ga.js" instead of the deprecated "urchin.js" and there is an option to add newsfeeds to page layouts so they show up in your browser.
The changes affect the page template fe_page, so adjust your custom templates if any!
Newsletter improvements
You can now use layout templates for newsletters to predefine a particular page layout. If there is a style sheet called newsletter.css, it will automatically be included in the e-mail as well as in TinyMCE. Version 2.5.6 also allows you to add a sender name in addition to the sender's e-mail address.
Calendar improvements
The new release allows you to add events without end time (simply make start and end time the same). In addition, it adds the CSS class cal_X to events (with X being the ID of the calendar the event belongs to) and fixes the issue with wrong event end times on daylight saving days.
Miscellaneous improvements
The FAQ list template has been changed to use unordered lists instead of paragraphs to list elements and method isMemberOf() has been added to the User class ($this->User->isMemberOf(2)).
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