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TYPOlight 2.6beta is available

by Leo Feyer – Announcements

TYPOlight version 2.6beta is available. The minor release includes a lot of powerful new features like search indexing of protected pages, remote events, sortable checkbox lists, improved cache system (disk cache), improved newsletter handling and a lot more. In addition, the rich text editor TinyMCE has been updated to version which runs under Safari.

Minor release

Note that this is a minor release (changing from version 2.5.x to version 2.6.x)! Some deprecated stuff has been removed and a few routines have changed, so take the chance to download the beta version and check if your installation or third party extension is compatible.

If you are a developer, please make sure to check your custom modules on version 2.6.

Deprecated resources removed

I have finally removed some deprecated stuff that was supposed to guarantee backwards compatibility with version 1.x. Version 1.x. is pretty outdated and if you should still run it, please update to a more recent version (there are a few security issues with version 1.x.).

  • Removed deprecated option to extract template variables
  • Removed deprecated file typolight/comments.php
  • Removed deprecated file typolight/layout.php
  • Removed deprecated file download.php
  • Removed deprecated file image.php

Existing hooks changed

The "parseTemplate" and "outputTemplate" hooks have been replaced to provide a little more control. Note that the install tool is also template based and therefore triggers the back end hooks!

  • parseBackendTemplate
  • outputBackendTemplate
  • parseFrontendTemplate
  • outputFrontendTemplate

New hooks added

The release includes two new hooks called "checkCredentials" and "replaceInsertTags". Use the first one to implement alternative authentication methods like authentication against an LDAP server (passes username and password as arguments). Use the second one to replace your own insert tags (unknown tags will be passed to the callback as argument).

TinyMCE version

The rich text editor TinyMCE has been updated to the current version which runs under Safari. The TYPOlight plugin "typolinks" has been merged to the new TinyMCE API.

Disk cache

The TYPOlight cache has been completely rewritten and is now based on the file system instead of the database. TYPOlight does not need to connect to the database to read cached pages anymore, which makes delivering cached resources a lot faster than before.

Search engine improvements

The search engine has been completely overworked and now supports search indexing on protected pages. You can enable the feature in the back end settings (use it with care and never allow search indexing on personalized pages). When you rebuild the search index in the maintenance module, choose a front end user who is allowed to see the protected pages that you want to index.

In addition, there is now an option to disable search indexing in case you do not need it at all.

Newsletter improvements

The newsletter module now allows you to add a plain text part in addition to the HTML part. Thus, you can generate newsletters that include both formats and let the recipient choose. In addition, the front end modules to subscribe and unsubscribe have been improved to support multiple channels.

Sortable checkbox lists

Thyon permitted to adopt his checkbox wizard, which allows you to sort checkbox lists. You can now reorder the style sheets of your page layouts or the fields of the member registration and personal data module.

Remote events

The new release supports pointing events to an internal or external page instead of the default page. This feature has been available for news items ever since and has now been applied to events as well.

Multi-domain improvements

A few bugs when running TYPOlight in multi-domain mode have been fixed, so search indexing and caching now works even if there are multiple pages using the same alias.

New insert tags

There are three new insert tags named "faq", "news" and "event". They will be replaced by links to a particular FAQ, news items or event.

Open_basedir compatibility

TYPOlight 2.6 is fully compatible with open_basedir restrictions.

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