Contao news

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TYPOlight user meeting

by Leo Feyer – Announcements

We are proud to announce the first TYPOlight user meeting in Wuerzburg, Germany on April 19th, 2008. There will be several workshops for TYPOlight developers and agencies selling TYPOlight to their customers.

The workshops include template design with wireframes and the YAML framework, end-user manual, extension repository, TYPOlight training and marketing. Leo Feyer, the TYPOlight developer, will be giving an outlook on TYPOlight 3.0 and discuss its technical parameters in his workshop.

The workshops will be held in German and are open to everybody. We intend to translate the workshop results so they can be published on the TYPOlight project website.

Please visit for more information.

Many thanks to Stefan Preiss for organizing the event.

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