Contao news

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Contao 3.0.0 is available

by Leo Feyer – Announcements

Contao version 3.0.0 is available. After more than 7 months of development and testing, the first stable re­lease of the new Contao major version 3 is finally ready for download. Over 360 tickets and several changes to the project infrastructure like moving the core translations to are incoporated in the release.

Overview of the changes

The new features in Contao 3 have been described in the previous announcements of the beta and RC ver­sions. If you have not followed the development process, it is recommended that you read them.

Pay attention to …

When updating from Contao 2 to Contao 3, you must not rename the tl_fies folder to files! If you want to re­name the folder, you have to take the following steps:

If you do not want to rename the directory, the name of the upload folder remains tl_files, also in Contao 3. This does not apply to fresh installations of course.

Purge old resources

When upgrading or downgrading, you should never just replace the changed files with their new version, but also remove deprecated resources (talking about "synchronization"). Leftover files from other versions can trigger various errors up to a complete system failure, especially upon large updates like from Contao 2 to Contao 3 (or vice versa).

Therefore you might want to install Contao 3 into a separate folder and create a hardlink to the tl_files direc­tory of your existing installation (or copy it). The files of your extensions can be reinstalled using the Ex­ten­sion Repository client.

Also see: GitHub tickets | GitHub compare view | Contao changelog | Release overview

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